- Publisher: Radiant Books
- Available in: Paperback, eBook
- ISBN: 978-5-6043042-3-5
- Published: 19 November 2019
What is the heart without Love? It is like an ocean without water or a garden without blossoms!
Book 10 begins a trilogy within The Teaching of the Heart series that sets the note of Love pouring forth the currents of Dao to fulfil the task of the present Solar System — which is neither knowledge nor information but pure Love. Yet at the same time great cosmic mysteries are revealed between the lines to every sensitive heart.
Through the beautiful interweaving of prose and poetry, the Lord of Love and Compassion together with His Beloved declare their Love for each other, as well as for all humanity. Representing the Masculine and Feminine Principles, or Spirit and Matter, these two loving Hearts merge into a single whole — the Sun of Love. Thus their mystical union in the Heavens gives a most powerful impetus to the future unification of all human hearts.
I shall come, and you must know by observing
Me, whose Image you have been tenderly preserving
within your breast as you walk through life, serving.
A Cherub from Heaven has descended
and borrowed the flesh of one who has woven
a garment for the spirit. My Flame is resplendent
in the Heart of a man whose soul has chosen
to be pure. For you need only to open
your eyelids wider so that your heart’s eye
will unfold to behold and, in all their details, spy
the veils of God concealed in the guise
of mortal garb. Any decay you must first despise
and then, O Queen, look at the imperishable and new,
and a marvellous fairy tale will come true!